Senin, 23 April 2018

The Uniqueness of Hang Drum


Hang is counted to be a musical instrument that belongs to the idiophone group of music. historically, this hand drum was first created in Switzerland. The so-called idiophone is any musical instrument that emits a sound mainly by vibrating it without the use of strings or membranes. Hang drum is a musical instrument made of steel sheets then shaped in such a way that it looks like a UFO. The UFO-shaped steel sheets in it are hollow, containing only air. This instrument uses some of the same physical principles as a steel pan, it will remain with a nitrided surface and a structural change that is like two shells that are clamped and have small holes. Thus this musical instrument is categorized as a Helmholtz resonator.

                Hang drum has been known in various places around the world. In some places, people name this unique instrument as Hank Drum or Hang pan. This amazing hand percussion is usually played with a fingertip. Playing the hang drum is visually similar to sounding steel pan by striking, but the resulting sound is quite different and unique.
                This kind of musical instrument is somewhat strange because it looks like a UFO or a flying saucer. But behind its strange shape, this musical instrument can sound incredible. Hang drum made of steel, this tool is capable of producing many tones. How to play the Hang Drum itself is by hitting him. If we are good at playing it, we can produce sounds like bells, harps to the harmonica.

                Based on the historical researches, the Hang drum was first created in 2001 by musicians of Swiss Government Company PAN art Ltd from Switzerland whose names are Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer who then directly on the show at the music festival Frankfurter Music in the year of 2001. Hang drum instruments may still sound new in the community and belong to rare and antique goods. This musical instrument is actually categorized into a kind of IDIOPHONE instrument which is made of two special iron sheets in the form of UFO-like shaped, that can produce a unique sound resembling the sound of Piano.

                Hang drum is basically two metal bowls that are clamped and sealed to make an empty hollow inside. On the underside of Hang is made plain with a hole for resonating sounds which, if reviewed in the famous physics as Helmholtz resonance. Hang's upper side has some convex shape inside to produce seven to nine tones.  At first glance, most people may think that Hang is a legacy of ancient instruments, whereas the fact Hang- hand percussion has existed since 2000. Instruments made by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer, since debut until now become items of interest and can be considered quite expensive.

                Listening to the display of the hang drum is a pleasing thing. It will be much greater if we can own play it by ourselves. You, lovers of music, if you desire to have this instrument then you are recommended to get connected with our company. We are a trustworthy hand percussion wholesale manufacturer. We have a lot of quality hand drums that you long to have (Cajon&Djembe). Bali Treasures was built in 1998 and is still existing today. Our company is located in Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. We have gained several national and international awards. Your visit is a blessing for us. 

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