Rabu, 25 April 2018

Didgeridoo; The Traditional Instrument


Everybody loves music. It is a certain fact that none can deny. Each one of us has our own favorite music. Among the many types of music, for sure there is particular music that we like the most. It is an irrefutable reality that music has an important role in human life. the presence of music makes human life becomes more colorful. Every cultural community has a different musical instrument. There are various music and musical instruments in the world. One of the most phenomenal instrument is called Didgeridoo.

                Didgeridoo is traditional music which is originated from the land of Australia. In its original place, this musical instrument is commonly used as the accompaniment of songs and dances in traditional ceremonies. The didgeridoo has apparently been recognized to indigenous Australians throughout the entire history of their cultures.  Indeed, some historical stories mention the didgeridoo has very prominent roles in the native societies. This Hand Percussion Instrument was believed that a long time ago, when gods were still actively present in the world,  one of the gods carried his didgeridoo by tying it to his back so that it stuck out behind. Suddenly that god transformed into a bird, then the didgeridoo that was sticking out behind him became the bird's long and narrow tail. Traditionally, only men who became leaders in the family or a tribe were allowed to play the didgeridoo.

                Didgeridoo is considered by the indigenous Australian as an essential tool in the creation of the world as well as the tools of the gods. That is why the didgeridoo instrument is believed to be a sacred instrument. In indigenous Australian culture, the didgeridoo is used in both open and secret religious ceremonies.

                Due to the development of knowledge and technology, nowadays the didgeridoo can be made out of various materials such as poly, fiberglass, bamboo pipes, to all types of wood. Meanwhile, traditional Didgeridoo is commonly molded from eucalyptus wood that has been perforated by termites naturally. If Didgeridoo from other materials has its own deficiencies and advantages, then the wooden-Didgeridoo has a much better resonance because the sound quality can be ascertained very well. The average length of the wooden didgeridoo is 1,3 meters.

Didgeridoo - Bali Treasures Drum Factory Product

                Dear lovers of music. Are you not interested in having Didgeridoo as your own? Don't you want to play this amazing instrument? If you get interested too, then please contact the company of Drum Factory. Our company has high-quality hand percussion and African Drum instruments, including didgeridoo. Bali Treasures has been in existence since 1998, made with legal materials and of course high quality. Located on Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. Our company is offering wholesale hand percussion with special discounts. We also help the Indonesian government maintain sustainable forests for generations to come. We have received many national and international awards.  We are always welcoming your arrival. Serving you is an honor for us.

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