Minggu, 22 April 2018

Tips to Play Cajon

Can play a musical instrument with a good course is a pride for someone. Because not everyone can play a musical instrument, let alone play it so reliably. In order for someone to play a musical instrument well, of course, influenced by various things. There are many different musical instruments, but not all types of musical instruments can be played by someone. If you are one of the people who want to learn to play musical instruments, especially Cajon instruments, then the following is an easy way to play Cajon that you can sample and apply. The way is as follows:
Choose the right type of Cajon

                Before you start practicing, you need to choose the type of Hand Percussion that suits your preferences. There are many types of Cajon that exist, so you do not choose wrong then you can ask people who better understand about Cajon, you can consult with the person to determine the choice of Cajon that you will choose.

Tips to learn Cajon drum; 

1. Learn from others

You can look for a tutor or learn from friends who are more good at playing Cajon. In addition, you can also find tutorials playing Cajon from a video tutorial provider playing Hand Drum. From there you will be able to learn many things from the game done by others.

2. Sitting posture

In order to practice when playing Cajon you do not easily tired, then it is very important for you to set the correct sitting posture. Sit with your back straight but still relax. Sit at a distance no more than 20 cm from the front of the Cajon you play.

3. Warm-up

In addition to arranging the sitting posture, you also need to warm up before practice. This is so that you do not experience injuries while practicing and that your hands become more flexible and limp so that it can play Cajon better.

4. Exercise regularly

In order for you to quickly master play Cajon, then you have to practice regularly. The more routine you practice the faster you can master playing Cajon

5. Training speed

Coaching the speed of the hand when playing is also very necessary, it aims to make the game you do can be stable and not impressed stiff and not in accordance with the tempo. Therefore train your hand speed to play with the stable.

6. Playing with others

                When you play with other people, then your ability to play Cajon will increase faster. In addition, by playing together it will be able to share tips for Cajon drum that can be better. As you continue to practice and follow the easy way to play Cajon as mentioned above, then you will be able to quickly master the game Cajon. You have to keep practicing regularly and have a strong commitment so you can play Cajon like a professional. Continue to practice as mentioned in the easy way to play Cajon.

                Hopefully, the easy way to play Cajon that has been mentioned above can be helpful and useful for you. Do not ever feel tired to keep practicing your skills of playing Cajon drums. The key is not to quickly give up, keep trying to exceed your limits until you are unaware you can become someone who is very reliable in playing this Cajon instrument.

Bali Treasures is a well-reputed Cajon drum wholesale manufacturer that has been in existence since 1998, made with legal and good quality materials. Our company is located at Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. We have been granted many national and international awards. Our product is a high-quality one. The price is accessible. We guarantee that you will never regret buying and using our product. Your satisfaction is our priority. 

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