Rabu, 12 September 2018

Why do people find themselves difficult to play Cajon?

   Hello!!! Welcome back to our blog. Thank you for visiting us. At this time, I will share my little knowledge about how people find it difficult to play a Cajon drum instrument. When it comes to seeing the musicians play the musical instruments, almost every one of us says that it is quite easy to play Cajon drums. But, in reality, playing instruments excellently is not as easy as we see. It requires a lot of effort, skills, and sacrifices. Remember that no gain without pain. You will never be able to play musical instruments better if you do not work hard. The following are the five reasons why people find themselves in difficulty to be professional players of Cajon drums.

1. Do not own the Cajon drums

The main reason why it is very difficult for many people to learn playing Cajon drums is that they do not own it privately. They have the eagerness to learn it, but they just rely on other people. They want to practice it frequently, but they can’t because it isn’t belonging to them. They are completely under the mercy of the owners of the African drum.  If you go to the outstanding music school, the first requirement is must be owning an instrument. It is easier for teachers to transfer their knowledge to you, and you, in turn, can easily grasp and memorize what is being taught to you. Furthermore, you will certainly have more time to practice. For those who do not have the instrument will have very slow progress and development. Most probably, they will forget much information and techniques because they have very limited time to practice. Practice sharpens your brain to understand and master what you are learning. Nowadays, you can easily find a quality Cajon drum. If you want to have a big number of instruments, it is always best that you buy it from a trusted company such as Bali Treasures Drum Factory. Our Cajon wholesale manufacturer creates hundreds of Cajon drums yearly and exports them to some countries around the world.

2. Learning on our own

The second reasons are that many people do believe that learning something on their own is much easier and simpler. To some extent, this is very true. But in most cases, this doesn’t work. This method only works for those who possess a good sense of music and have a very strong commitment to practice.  This will be very hard for most people. Generally, they are not sure whether the techniques that they are using are correct or wrong. Many people prefer to use some tutorials about hand drums from the internet and YouTube. This is also effective, but you need a longer time. As you know that many people always want everything to run very fast. They do not want to wait for a longer time. That is why many people give up and do not want to practice anymore. They are already satisfied with what they have. They don’t want to explore more because it takes a lot of time.

3. Low Motivation

Many people just have a strong desire to practice a musical instrument for the beginning. They are motivated just for the beginning. As time goes on, the level of difficulty is increasing, their enthusiasm starts to decrease. Many people also practice instruments because of just following others. They do not have real motivation that is why they give up so quickly. In order to learn the African drum better, you must be fully motivated from the inside, not from others.

4. Self-Satisfaction

            What do I mean? I mean that many people do not want to make progress in their lives. They just want to stay on the stage where they are now. They do not want to take risks to go out of their comfort zone. They are already satisfied with what they have achieved now. Many people, after knowing some techniques for playing musical instruments, they think that it is enough and they stop practicing. They do not want to continue. After sometimes without practicing hand percussion,  instruments, they certainly will forget those techniques that they have learned. They probably can do it but not in an excellent manner.

5. Laziness

Laziness is a universal decrease for people all around the world. This is the main factor why people are not making progress in their lives.  You will not progress in mastering the techniques of playing musical instruments if you are lazy to have practiced.

Thank you for visiting our blog. I think this information is enough for our meeting at this moment. If you want to know about the different types of musical instruments such as Cajon, drums, hand drum, djembe, and darbuka, please visit our website Bali Treasures Drum Factory.

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