Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

Easy Tips to Play Drums

    Hello!!! Welcome back to our blog. It is always great to meet you the lovers of hand drums. In this short article,  I would like to share some information about the fundamental things that you should know in order to improve your skills in playing the drums. Before elaborating more details about the tips, I want to mention some of the hand drum types that are really famous. The hand percussions that I will mention are the most used and well-known ones in a worldwide range. They are; Djembes, Hand drums, African Cajon Drums, and Darbuka. The above musical instruments can be found easily in Indonesia.

    In learning drum instruments, there are quite a lot of things we have to know, learn, practice and even to master in order to become a good drummer and musician. Having a great dream without exerting any effort is meaningless. You probably have the potentiality to be a drummer but without hard work and regular practice. In order to be a professional drummer, there are a lot of things and processes to do. You must master certain techniques of playing hand drums so that you can play the drum professionally.

The bellows are some essential techniques for playing the hand drum

1. Stick Hold Technique

    The first technique is related to the way we hold the stick. When it comes to playing the drums, we need to have a proper and right way of holding a stick. The stick holding technique is a fundamental and very important role in our drum play. Actually, there are two kinds of techniques of holding the stick: The first one is what we call traditional grip and the other one is the matched grip. Matched Grip is further divided into two methods namely German Grip and French Grip. Nonetheless, there is also the American Grip tactic but officially German Grip and French Grip are often called). This stick holding technique also depends on the choice and tastes of each drummer, which one is the most suitable and comfortable for us to use. You ought to muster this technique of playing a hand percussion instrument. The important thing is to keep relaxed when holding the stick to prevent injury to the hand.

2. Rudiment 

    The second techniques are the so-called Rudiment. This technique is very much related to the beating pattern. The term rudiment itself means the basic thing, in the drum rudiment it has a basic punch pattern that we apply in playing the drums. According to the experts, a rudiment officially consists of 40 types of blows, including the popular ones are Single Stroke, Double Stroke, Paradiddle, and Flam. In order to be able to master these techniques, you have to practice and train frequently. The regular practice of this musical instrument will surely help you to get good accuracy, and of course to be applied and used in playing the djembe drums.

3. Body Position

    Body position becomes a matter that is often overlooked when studying drums. Try to keep our body position firm but relaxed to prevent injury to our back, there are quite a lot of great drummers who sit rather bent when playing drum instruments, but it doesn't hurt us to get used to a sitting position that is safe for our bodies. Body position also matters a lot when it comes to playing the drums. You must have a very comfortable body position so that you can play better. Playing instruments enjoyably will certainly make you feel united with the music that you are playing. The better your body position is, the more comfortable you are at playing the drums. 

4. Spanking Technique

    The spanking technique is also well-known as the hitting technique. this tactic is a very significant and important aspect of playing the drums. the musical rhythm of hand drum instruments that you play definitely depends on the beating technique that you are doing.  Doing bad hitting techniques surely produce an unharmonious musical sound. The result will be far from what we expect. Playing improper tactics also can do harm to our hands.  This hitting technique also has many variations, such as Rim Shot, Rim Click, Moeller Technique, Gladstone Technique, Ghost-Note, and others. You can use all of these techniques. You also can choose which techniques that really fit you.

    If you want to master these techniques faster, you must own a drum. The drum that you are going to have ought to be a good quality one. I recommend you to contact the biggest hand percussion manufacturer in the world, which is located in Bali, Indonesia. The name of the famous factory is Bali Treasures Drum Factory. Here, you can find various musical instruments.

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