Senin, 16 Juli 2018

Playing Hand Drums Instrument

    Playing musical instruments is a hobby of mine. Since I was a teenager, I already played some instruments very well. In our cultural society, music is very much alive. Everybody loves music. We love to sing and to dance. Our favorite instruments are guitars, hand drums, Cajon, Djembes, and Organs. I could say that every man in our society can play musical instruments whether it is guitar, Cajon, or hand drum. The most important is we all can play instruments, no matter what kind of instrument it is. At least one musical instrument that each and every one of us can play. 

    My brother loves to play the guitar, while my sister is very good at playing the organ. And I myself like to play hand drums. In our house, we several kinds of musical instruments and most of them are hand percussion instruments. almost every day the three of us playing African drum instruments together while singing loudly. We love music so much. It is so precious to us that we cannot undergo our day without it. It's so strange for us to pass a day without playing music.

    Playing hand drums is something that can give me joy, satisfaction, and happiness. During that time when I was still with my brother and sister in pour house, we always practiced music together. My father's favorite instrument is the African djembe drums. I still remembered that my father bought two African Drums namely Djembe and Cajon for my big brother.

    When I  was in the third year of my college,  I did some research about music. I found out that hand drums are reckoned to be the oldest instrument. It is the most ancient and pervasive musical instruments in the world. Historically, hand drums also evolve following the revolution of humanity. The development of technology and knowledge also influence the progress and evolution of hand drums. Even though the modern hand drums have a lot of modifications, but its fundamental design and form remain intact and the same.

    Based on the research of mine, it is said that almost every cultural community has its own type of hand drums with different names. A hand drum is an instrument that is constituted out of one or more membranes that are stretched over a hollow wooden body. Its melodious sound is produced by striking the skin which is commonly called ahead. 

    In the old times, the ancient people use hand drums to accompany their traditional hand drum songs and cultural dances. it is said the thunderous and melodious sounds of these instruments can make the cultural ceremonies becomes more alive and presentable. They also often used this instrument as a means to celebrate any religious ceremonies.

    In this last paragraph, I can conclude that hand drums have artful and cultural values. This instrument also can be used as a means of entertainment. In order to buy a quality hand drum, you must visit a trusted hand drum manufacturer around you.

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