Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Darbuka; A Unique Hand Percussion

                Darbuka is included to be the most used instrument in Arabic, Persian and Turkish music. In the present epoch, Darbuka becomes one of the most popular instrument percussion in the world. The other name of Darbuka is Doumbek. The role of this musical instrument is very essential to the story of Arabian music.  Doumbek is believed to be originated from the country of Arab. This kind of instrument is very similar to that of Bulgarian traditional instrument. They both are the same in many ways, and so many are saying that both Bulgaria and Arabs can be considered to be the birthplace of the said instrument. In reality, there are two countries that this musical instrument is frequently and mostly used.  

                 Some resources say that Darbuka is the traditional music of the Turkish. In the old times, Darbuka had ever been the most popular and phenomenal hand percussion instrument in Middle East music.  Even until now, many people in Middle East countries play frequently this kind of instrument. Based on the historical evidence, Doumbek's frame drum is emphasized to be the main percussion instrument in the Middle East. This musical instrument was first created with the main purpose of fulfilling the needs of cultural ceremonies and traditional rituals. The natives also used this music just for entertainment. In Indonesia, Darbuka is commonly used in religious music and songs. In Egypt and Turkish, this musical hand drum instrument is mostly used to accompany Bellydance.

                In this paragraph, the author wants to elaborate more on the process and materials of Darbuka. The body of this musical instrument is mostly made out of goatskin. According to history, this Darbuka was traditionally made out of clay and wood. Most people perceive that Darbuka resembles the African Djembe. Nonetheless, due to the development of knowledge and technology, Darbukas are now can be molded out of metals such as; copper and aluminum, while the skins are made out of plastic. It doesn't mean that the traditionally made Darbuka is forgotten. The contemporary musician usually uses goatskin-made Darbuka in order to produce more melodious tunes. The traditional way of performing Doumbek is to place the instrument under the arms, while at the present time style is putting the instrument on the knees or laps  While playing this instrument, the musician usually places the drum on his knee. However, in the past, while performing players use to place this instrument under the arm.

                There are various types of Doumbek. They are categorized into 4 kinds of Darbuka.  The first type is called the Clay Darbuka. This is the original form of the said instrument which is made out of clay and natural leather or wood. The second type is known as Dohola, which literally means bass Darbuka. This kind of Doumbek can be made out of clays, metals, and leather can be made out of plastic or natural skin of animals. The third genre of Darbuka is called as modern ordinary Darbuka. Its common materials are aluminum and plastics. This instrument is equipped with various decorations such as painting, embossing, plastered with mosaic shell and carving on the metal surface. The fourth kind is the Traditional Darbuka Cubans. The way of playing this instrument is not so complicated. It can be played in a vertical or horizontal position. it is similar to Djembe.

                Historically, Darbuka is actually popularized by Mislirli Ahmet from Turkey. Learning hand percussion instruments can be done independently without any dependencies on other musical instruments.   It does rely on o other musical instruments or certain types of musical genres In Indonesia, it is commonly referred to as the flow of Freestyle. Freestyle flow is independent and has nothing to do with other types of music, therefore, freestyle included in the category of contemporary music. it can stand on its own.  

                There are several types of playing this instrument. It depends on the regions, cultures, and countries where people belong to. This instrument percussion consists of various genres depending on the kind of materials.  Commonly, there are two genres namely Turkish style and Egyptian style. The later has a feature-rounded edge around the head. On the other hand, the Turkish style exposes the edge of the head.

                Nowadays, the use of Darbuka has been overspread all around the world. Its uniqueness and melodious tunes attract the attention of the people. Instrument Doumbek becomes phenomenal to lovers of music for its capability of collaborating with any kind of musical instruments and it is always suitable for any kind of music. Listening to music is a pleasing thing to do, much more if we can play by ourselves, it will be greater. For you, lovers of music, if you want to have Darbuka as your own, then come to have a visit to Bali Drum Factory, the biggest hand percussion manufacturer in the world. Bali Drum Factory provides a high-class quality of Darbuka and specialist of percussion (Djembe &  Darbuka drum beats). The author guarantees that you will be satisfied and no regret at all.

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