Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

The Power of Hand Percussion Instrument

The philosopher Suzanna Langer argues that the art of music is a kind of medium for expressing feelings of sadness and pleasure. We can imagine if the world without music is certainly very empty. Like the proverb “a flower without butterflies” or “vegetables without salt”. Playing hand percussion instruments gives us a new strength to move on. Without music, the world will be quiet, because music, can make moods better and stimulate the human mind as a role in the story of life. There are many types of music, one of which is hand percussion. It is the music produced by hitting, beating, shaking, rubbing, vibrating with a tool, and using empty hands. Many people love to play with instruments. They can be played by anyone regardless of social status.

Playing Djembe can calm your heart and mind

Hand percussion - Djembe drum is an imitation of human biological chronicles because it can be seen from the heart’s organs in every human being. Hand percussion can be linked to the heart is the forerunner of the pulse, which can be termed as a beat or a knock. The beat is filled with a rhythm that creates a rhythm like a samba, Bossa, rumba, swing and more. Sometimes we pound the table spontaneously, it’s been called playing a light percussion. It can be said that this music culture is very potential to develop faster than other music.

Hand movement in percussion exercises physical functions such as fingers, hands, arms and motor muscles in speech function.

There are 3 hand percussion forces that we must know:

1. Auditory backflow on a particular movement

The perfect tone and beat of the hand percussion can stimulate positive thoughts so as to gain a sense of pleasure and musical satisfaction.

2. Affective aspect and gain motivation

When someone succeeds and enjoys playing music, it can give a new motivation for a better life

3. Train mind memory
Rhythm and melody can train the mind's memory.

Djembe, a hand drum from Africa

Here are some examples of hand percussion instruments like Djembe, Cajon drum, Darbuka, Rainstick, Darbuka, Tambourine, and others. After knowing the power of the hand percussion, surely you want to own one of these instruments. Bali Treasures is a well-known hand percussion manufacturer that sells quality musical instruments. Raw materials come from the best and legal materials. The products are of the highest quality and have many kinds of products. Drum Factory has it all.

Hand percussion manufacturer
Please be updated with our latest article:

1. How to Create a Cajon Drum with a small amount of budget.
2. The best hand percussion in the world
3. Types of hand drums which are very popular in today's world

Thank you for always being updated with us.

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