Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Djembe; The Best Hand Percussion

Djembe is one of the many popular percussion instruments of the present age. Djembe can be played by various kinds of society both from children to adults. Nowadays, the djembe is also created with varied purposes such as to be crafts or souvenirs in many sizes and motifs, some of its products are suitable for exporting to other countries. This hand drum instrument is well-known to Indonesians. Plenty of contemporary Indonesian musicians prefer to choose musical rhythm wherein there is a collaboration with other instruments. In different places in Indonesia, we can easily find this type of instrument. Djembe is actually a very unique instrument. Its uniqueness lies in its constant rhythmic patterns and it is thunderous, sharp, shrill and rowdy sounds that seemingly can rise up primitive and magical energy.

    Based on the historical facts given by expert historians, djembe instruments is originally coming from the land of Africa. It is said that this kind of instrument can be found in different cultural societies in Africa with different given names. The names and functions are depending on the indigenous and tribes. For example, in the country of Mali, this percussion is used only at night for various celebrations, such as welcoming the full moon, the coming of spring, summer, harvest, winter, marriage, baptism and etc.

    It is said that the name "djembe" is actually originated from the name of a tree which is known as djembe which is can be found in plenty in Mali, Africa. The Djem tree is used to be the basic material for creating a Djembe drum. The gradual process of making djembe is quite easy and simple. The first thing that ought to be done is to cut down the tree trunk, then mold it in such a way until it becomes a cup-like shape. It is said that cutting down the tree must be accompanied by a special ritual so as to have a better result and to hinder us from any harmful accidence.

    Membranes that function as sounds producer can be made out of skins of goats, buffalos or antelopes. In order to create a high-quality membrane, it requires a very special stretching technique, after going through the process of drying a membrane or the skin is then fastened with a rope around the body of the wooden body. After these steps, then now we already have the djembe instrument as a whole.

    We are a trusted “Drum Factory” and have many of the best hand percussion instruments. Our djembe wholesale manufacturer has been in existing since 1998, made with legal materials and of course high quality. Located on Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. We also help the Indonesian government maintain sustainable forests for generations to come. Many national and international awards we can. We are looking forward to your coming to give you the best product.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

Easy Ways to Practice Cajon Box


  Being able to play a musical instrument well is a pride for everybody. Not everyone has the capability of playing musical instruments, much more play it in a professional manner. In order to be able to play a musical instrument well, certainly, one must be influenced by various things. There are many different hand percussion instruments, but not all types of musical instruments that can be played by someone. If you are aware that you are born with a natural talent of playing music, and desire strongly to learn to play musical instruments, especially Cajon instruments, then here are easy ways on how to play this percussion instrument. You can follow and apply this method to your learning process. 

Choosing the suitable type of Cajon

                Before start practicing, you need to choose the type of Cajon Drum that suits your preferences. There are many types of Cajon that exist. So as to hinder you from choosing the wrong type of instrument. it recommendable for you to ask for help and consult with those who are knowledgeable of Cajons. Their ideas and suggestions are certainly will guide you to have a better decision on which Cajon is suitable for your characters.

Learning from the experts and practicing with others

                Maybe you are questioning why it is important to play and practice with others especially with those who have been master of it. The nuance of playing alone certainly differs from others. Often times when you play alone, you don't know and realize your own mistakes and lacks. You don't even know which are the aspects that you need to improve and develop. When you play with other people, then your ability to play Cajon will increase faster. They can tell you in a good manner which is your mistakes and lacks and strive to give you the best solutions because they also have the same experience as you are having right now. These will be helpful for you to increase capability. In addition, by playing together it will be able to share tips for Cajon games can be better. It is required to learn from the experts for they don't only know how to play but also good at transferring their knowledge to others.

Having the comfortable postures

                Don't ever think that playing Cajon drum instrument is not a tiring thing to be done. Practicing this instrument is taking a lot of energies. That's why body postures are very influential. When you play this instrument not in a comfortable manner, surely you will get tired easily which result in the inconsistent tempo. It is a must for you to choose a proper sitting posture. Comfortableness will make you enjoy more to learn and play a musical instrument. I suggest you have sitting postures with your back straight so as to make you more relax and comfortable. Furthermore, you must keep in mind that the sitting-distance is no more than 20 cm from the front of this instrument.

Warming up and exercising regularly

In addition to arranging the sitting posture, It is an ought for you to have a warming up before practice. The aim of warming up is to make your hands become more flexible and lithe so as to hinder you from injuries while practicing. The lither your hands are, the better manner of your playing will be.

                In order for you to quickly master play Cajon, then you have to practice regularly. The more routine you practice the faster you can master playing Cajon. Having a natural talent for playing music doesn't guarantee you to be able to play an instrument well. It is the regular practice that can make one master to play Cajon. Your talent will always remain as a talent if you don't develop it. It is just having seed without planting, watering and taking care of it. The seed will always remain the same, and never grow to be a plant.

Developing speed and consistency

                Developing the consistency and speed of the hand is very necessary for displaying the musical instrument such as percussion instruments. This aims to keep your musical show stable and always in a consistent tempo. You must keep in mind that tempo plays a very significant role in the world of music. The inconsistency of tempo will devastate the beauty and value of music. Shortly, you must train as hard as possible in order to develop your speed and consistency.

                Maybe you are questioning why it is important to play and practice with others especially with those who have been master of it. The nuance of playing alone certainly differs from others. Often times when you play alone, you don't know and realize your own mistakes and lacks. You don't even know which are the aspects that you need to improve and develop. When you play with other people, then your ability to play Cajon drums will increase faster. They can tell you in a good manner which is your mistakes and lacks and strive to give you the best solutions because they also have the same experience as you are having right now. These will be helpful for you to increase capability. In addition, by playing together it will be able to share tips for Cajon games can be better.

                As you continue to practice and follow the easy way to play Cajon the above mentions, then you will be able to quickly master playing this instrument.  Regular practice and strong commitment can lead you to be a great musician. If you wish to own and learn to play Cajon, then I recommend you to have a connection with our company, well-known as the Bali Treasures Drum Factory. We are a trustworthy company that produces various types of hand percussion
instruments, including Cajons. Our best company is located in Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali.

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Tips to Play Cajon for Beginners"


   Welcome to our website dear readers. In this meeting of ours via this short article of mine, please allow me to share my little knowledge of playing Cajon Instrument with you. Hopefully, you will get interested in it. I am quite sure that you have heard the word Cajon which identifies a box-shaped instrument. This Cajon is reckoned to be the most used percussion instrument in the world. Listening to the melodious sounds of this instrument played by musicians is lovely things to do. Can you imagine how great it will be if you can play it by ourselves? This is a real challenge for you. Your dream can become a reality only when you exert extra efforts and strive your best to purchase it. If you want to play Cajon, then please be guided.

I will give you some tips to make your dream come true.

1. Owning your personal Cajon and practice frequently

                To achieve the target of playing Cajon, it's better for you to have a personalized musical instrument. Whenever you have your free time Cajon always there. You must know that the key to reaching the skills of ours is how often we play or develop them. The more frequent you practice Cajon, the bigger chance you have to reach your peak skill. The more often you play Cajon the faster you will reach the required skill. Continuity and perseverance are needed in achieving any of these targets. Should avoid the nature of surrender, fight the nature of easily bored and easily give up. Be assured of all the abilities that are in you

2. Learning to pay attention to tempo and hand function

                The consistency of tempo is very necessary for playing music. This is exactly the same when you play Cajon which is the hand percussion tool that functions the same as the drum. Of course, you have to regularly listen to songs because each song has a different tempo character. Then the next thing that you ought to do is to follow the tempo of a certain musical accompaniment.

                In general, there are two characters of Cajon's sounds which are known as snare drum sound and bass drum sound. In order to perform better, it is a must for you to determine which hand is on duty to pat the snare and which hand is on duty to pound bass drum sound. For the bass drum sound, it follows the sound of the bass on the guitar while the snare part is following the rhythm section of the guitar. It's suggestible for you to use your stronger hand to beat the bass drum sound. 

3. Listening to songs

                To master the character of the song you should listen to a lot of songs. With a note of attention, you should focus on the drum. After you have noticed the drum sound on the song then playback the song then you follow or imitate the beat of the drum on the song. Do the exercise over and over again.

4. Training your ability with friends and exploring your own style variations

                To be an evaluation of the level of achievement of your ability, you should invite your bandmates to routinely carry out joint exercises. Well, at that time ask for correction or criticism of your friend to beat your Cajon drum. Because when you exercise alone at home will be different when you are accompanied by other musical instruments. After you look at the advanced Cajon game or the next professional you can also continue the practice to the next stage of course after you master the basic techniques of playing Cajon. Find and find a variety of punches that match your feeling. For this you must develop your own creativity do not imitate what has been done by others. In order to later become a differentiator or the emergence of identity for your Cajon game. Which will lead to the emergence of the uniqueness of the motive punch that you only the owner of the blow motive?

                If you desire to possess and learn to play Cajon, then I recommend you to contact our company, well-known as Bali Treasures Drum Factory. We are a trustworthy company that produces various types of percussion instruments and African Drum, including Cajons. Our best company is located in Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. Our hand drum wholesale manufacturer also helps the Indonesian government maintain sustainable forests for generations to come. Many national and international awards that we have been granted to us.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

The History of Cajon Drum


In the musical world, we know that there are hundreds of musical instruments. One of the many genres of instruments is what we name as percussion instruments. Every cultural society has its own typical music and instrument which represents the characters, traditions, habits, and cultures that belong to a particular society. This reality emphasizes how substantial music is human beings. The music itself indeed plays very significant roles in the life of humanity both primitive and modern community. Percussion instruments can be found in almost every cultural community. Historically, the percussion instrument is said to be the oldest musical instruments in the world. One of them is known as Cajon.
                Based on the reality, I can say that Cajon drum is the most used and most phenomenal percussion instruments. At the present era, we can perceive clearly that many contemporary musicians use the collaboration of Cajon with other musical instruments.  The presence of Cajon makes music becomes more alive and colorful.

In this article, I would like to share a glimpse knowledge of mine regarding a brief history of Cajon. Historical facts tell that Cajon Hand Percussion is originally coming from the country of Peru. The word Cajon is derived from Spanish which means a box. At the beginning of the 18th century, Peru was colonized by Spaniards. That was one of the darkest events which had ever occurred in the lives of Peruvians. The Spaniards took almost all their freedoms and rights. Breathing might be the only freedom that was still experienced by Peruvian slaves during the colonialism.
he Spaniards strictly prohibited Peruvian slaves to play any musical instruments, much more the instruments that belonged to the White. The Peruvians who were inherited with the talent and sense of music then found it difficult to abide by the set rule. Their life was always associated with music. it is tantamount to say that music is identical to their lives. Finally, they found a way out to solve the problem that they were confronted with. They decided to mold unused wood to be a box-shaped instrument. Why in a box-shaped instrument? It is said that they wanted to hide it from the Spaniards. That box-shaped instrument can be functioning well if the player sits properly on the top of it. Logically we can understand that their purpose is to lessen the possibility of being caught by the Spaniards because of playing music.

                Other resources explain that the birth of Cajon is symbolizing their longing for freedom, right to live, togetherness,  and independence.  The existence of the box-shaped instrument emphasizes their awareness of the value of human dignity. They realized how painful it was to be humiliated, berated, raped, trampled, and underestimated. They were aware that as human beings, they also had the right to be treated as a human, not as animals.

                As the time passed by, the Peruvians realized that their created instrument could produce melodious sounds which were perfectly in harmony with their traditional songs. Sometimes they played Cajon to accompany their traditional dances. The beats and tunes of the instrument make the dancers became more energetic, enthusiastic and alive. This musical hand percussion instrument became so meaningful to them that they could not let anyone stop them from conserving it. In fact, their effort of conserving Cajon was indeed successful. Even the Spaniards during the time of colonialism failed to prevent them. There were many people got attracted to Cajon's alluring tunes. The use of the box-shaped instrument became more frequent day by day. Even the White ones started to play the said instrument.

              Listening to the music and watching someone playing Cajon are enjoyable. Can you imagine what will you feel if you can have Cajon as your own and can play it? If you want to have this instrument, then it is recommendable for you to visit Bali Treasures Drum Factory which is located in Jalan Raya Andong, Peliatan, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. We also help the Indonesian government maintain sustainable forests for generations to come. Many national and international awards we can. We are looking forward to your coming to give you the best product hand drum and African drum.   In the middle of the 19th century, Cajon reached its peak of popularity. Due to the migration and exploration of the Whites, it was also introduced to the people all around the world. The worldwide use of this instrument is actually greatly influenced by the Whites. In the present time, we can find a lot of music which use the collaboration of Cajon with other instruments. In almost every orchestra and musical art performances, we also can see the box-shaped instrument. Most of the modern and contemporary musicians prefer to use this box-shaped of the instrument and collaborate with other instruments.